The baby scrabbled along the dark, narrow corridor, his small paws making soft scuffling sounds against the rough, uneven floor. The memory of the sunlit meadow where he usually played with his siblings began to feel less real as this dusty, odorless place filled his young mind. It now seemed a lifetime since he had stumbled through the crack in that world into this one. At first, his heart had ached for the warm sun on his scales and the softness of the grass beneath his feet. But through the interminable darkness, the ache had melted into the nameless space surrounding him. The walls had been rough and firm, but then there was a patch that bent away as he brushed past it. Curious, he twisted himself up onto his hindlegs and scratched the surface with his forepaws. The wall was thin, and he felt the material give way beneath his sharp claws. Light flooded in as he ripped through the wall.

Startled, he scurried back from the hole, but then curiosity overcame his fear and he poked his head through. The sudden brightness was blinding, and the baby blinked furiously. As his eyes adjusted, he took in his surroundings with wonder.

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